3:30 am
Wake up to make sure I didn't oversleep, consider whether I should just wake up.
3:47 am
Wake with a startle, I'm sure I've overslept this time
4:15 am
Alarm goes off, Patty literally leaps out of bed and scrambles to get ready like the house is on fire. Can't find my keys.
4:20 am
Found the keys and in the car make a passing comment about marijuana to Treesh. Crap, where's my cellphone.
4:30 am
Hook up with Matt at Office Depot. He's been there since 12 am. Stand in line with Patty for 5 minutes before we decide to slide up to where Matt is in line.
4:31 am
Waiting for the repercussions of cutting in front of people who have been sitting on cold concrete for 5 hours.
4:35 am
Find out Office Depot opens at 6 am not 5 am like the rest of the stores
4:40 am
Maximize our consuming power, Patty heads to Kohls because we can buy more things when we split up.
4:45 am
Cars are now streaming into the parking lot, the line is growing exponentially.
5:30 am
People are starting to get pushy and some of the newcomers don't understand the term line, in English or Spanish.
5:45 am
Employees!!!!! Line goes to half the length, not because people have left but rather they feel that if we stand uncomfortably close together this will go faster. Talk to one of my students,Oscar, who has also used family members to cut in line.
5:50 am
The Golden Ticket!!! I'm guaranteed a Toshiba M305D-S4831 laptop.
6:00 am
Doors open! Madness ensues! I wonder if the ambulance we saw earlier was the result of such an event. I dash through the doors, there's about 12 people in front of me. Take a shortcut, I'm in line #2. Feeling smug about my incredible consumer skills. Got the laptop. Smile as I watch the disintegration of humanity around me and complete misunderstanding of the word line.
6:30 am
Leaving Office Depot with a laptop, free printer, laptop sleeve, 2 wireless remotes and a satisfied feeling that I totally rocked Black Friday.
1 comment:
So this is one of the best blog posts I've read in a very long time. Thanks! While you were running around, I was sleeping in a nice warm bed dreaming that my really cool historic house had suddenly become a museum/gift shop (not sure) with Mom & Irene's friends pouring in, with the addition of some guy who claimed to be Lois' friend. Completely weird, but I was very satisfied and in love with my home, despite the piles of laundry IN my dream... I need to do something about that. Love you!
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