Over the past four months, we have been researching/reviewing/learning about adoption and various agencies, state programs, home study social workers, etc... and after all this time we are thrilled to let you know that we chose an agency to work with and
What's next? Well, hopefully over Christmas break, we can put together our profile, photos, birthmom letter, etc. Then after we get back from Wisconsin, we will get started on our home study. It will be nice to have the home study completed, but it is not necessary in order to be matched with a birthmom. Which means - once the agency receives our contract, we could be matched at any time!

So - please join us in praying while we wait! Praying that the Lord will be preparing us during this time and that we will be patient during the wait and also praying for the birth mother we will eventually be working with. One of the things that we really liked about the agency we are working with is that they "advertise" in planned parenthood clinics, hoping to change the minds of girls that are seeking abortions. So we really appreciate your prayers that the Lord would work in the heart of birthmoms to chose life for their babies, rather than eliminating their "problem".
woo hoo! oh, we are and will be praying! love you guys... and can't wait to see you soon!
well I guess Will and my prayer of "give Phil and Patty a baby" would be answered, but not like how I was thinking. That is GREAT news Patty and Phil! It's so exciting. I will continually check back on this blog to see the updates.
love you all!
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