It's always amazing to me how quickly tomorrows become yesterdays.Our sweet little Maya is six weeks old today. The one month milestone came and went and all of a sudden it's two weeks later.
Maya is continually finding new ways to challenge our budding parenting skills and right when we think we have it figured out she changes things up. Last night we fed her and played with her for a little bit and then put her down for her normal 2 hour nap. A half hour into our alotted sanity restoration period, Maya woke up screaming bloody murder, this wasn't a normal feed me cry or I'm fussy pick me up and spoil me cry. No, this sounded like something was hurting her. We went through the checklist, hungry-nope we just fed her, diaper-clean as a whistle, fussy-no amount of holding, talking, or singing was calming this little human down, needs to sleep-not happening.
Finally we came to the conclusion that maybe she was sick (she has had a runny nose the last few days). (I forgot to mention this whole time we are at our friend's (Mike and Renee) home.) So Patty drove to the local grocery store to get a thermometer, thinking she possible had a fever. While she was paying the exhorberant mark up put on medical supplies simply by adding the word "baby" I walked the floor with Maya. This is my default setting to comfort Maya - assume the football hold and walk, works every time, except this one.
At this point an 8 lb infant has a grown man near tears. I had no clue what to do and then Maya started sucking on my knuckle and all went quiet. All I could think was she just ate a full feeding she can't be hungry. I quickly made a bottle and fed her and she ate another normal full feeding and went straight to sleep. Some quick internet research showed us that around 6 weeks babies hit a growth spurt and this behavior is completley normal.
Welcome to parenthood. I thought getting married was a big life change. Having a child makes that change seem as natural as breathing. At the same time I wouldn't trade this little girl for anything! She has this dad wrapped around each and everyone of her fingers. We have been so blessed and we are so thankful for our supportive friends and families. We appreciate all that has been done for us and for your prayers.

Just some other updates and things in our lives we would love for you to pray for.
- We only have two home visits left before the adoption is finalized
- I (Phil) am still looking for a job. I have applied for a position that opened at Logan High School in La Crosse. This is my ideal position and I would love to be able to teach in La Crosse.
- We're traveling over the next week in a half, pray safety and sanity
- Pray for Maya's continued good health and development
- Pray for Maya's birthmom as she transitions back to her normal life.
Phil, Patty and Maya
(Sorry for the infrequent blog posts. We do try to post more frequent picture updates