Thursday, December 3, 2009

Our first six months together

Well, after seeing these linked on several other blogs, I thought I'd give it a try. I'm not sure why because I already spent way toooo many hours online tonight (ordering FREE holiday photo cards and FREE address labels), but I figured since I was already playing with some pictures, I might as well give it a shot. (And in the theme of things, it was free too.)

Click to play this Smilebox slideshow: Merry Christmas from the Ottums
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Also, I'm sure you have noticed this, but I will finally admit it: I am not a blogger, at least a regular, consistent, entertaining, blogger. I will probably never be and I really have no aspiration to ever be. Sorry. I will try to (randomly) post updates on our life and our cute little girl, but please don't be disappointed if you check this blog often and find nothing new. or exciting. that's just me.


Kari Hornaday said...

I think we need an 8-month update! :) We smile every time we walk past the refrigerator and see Maya's Christmas photo card smiling back at us! I'm thinking a trip to WI is due soon, but it may need to wait until it's warmer there! haha Yes, I've become a wuss.

Patty O. said...

Well, that at least gives me a week notice! It's so crazy that she is almost eight months old! Where did my little baby go?!?

Titus was here today (he's been in Minneapolis for a week) and he was "walking" (half dragging her around the living room) saying how she can walk almost perfectly already! ha! (don't worry - she can't, but she stands alot and has just started moving along things!)

I've also been HORRIBLE at taking any pictures since Christmas, so I don't think we could get more than a three or four together! ahh! I think the plans for the weekend include getting a video camera, so then you can see her more. (as well as when we come visit you in salem!)

Kari Hornaday said...

Just watched this video again. So cute. Do you still have pictures from Michigan? I would love some copies when (if) you have time. :)